Update News

8th January, 2013


Hari Raya Pagerwesi, The name literally means 'iron fence', on which day ceremonies and prayers are held for strong mental and spiritual defense in welcoming the Galungan holiday.

Pagerwesi is the day when the Balinese strengthen their minds and souls against evil forces.

Pagerwesi is also called "rerainan gumi" by the Balinese and means the holiday for everyone from every background (read: caste) from the families of priests to the common families. Pagerwesi is celebrated every 210 days on Wednesday of Shinta (the first week in the Balinese Pawukon calendar system).

5th January, 2013

Denpasar. Mangrove Forest Park Denpasar Ngurah Rai is one of the favorite places for the young people hang out. Moreover the afternoon, time to relax.

"We frequent the streets here. Delicious here, quiet, noisy ga," said Herman, one of the visitors.

Kingdom Mangrove forest park covering an area of ​​1375 hectares is very beautiful. Road tread made ​​of wood adds a natural atmosphere. So the entry fee is Rp 5000, visitors have no reservations.

"Admission ngak problem. Occasional here pay only five thousand ga pa pa," added Herman.

4th January, 2013

View onto Bromo crater with a strong strombolian eruption in bright moonlight. The ash,
 blurred in the long exposure,
 hides many blocks. (Photo: Tom Pfeiffer)Mt. Bromo volcano in East Java is the active cone inside the giant Tengger caldera, one of Indonesia's most scenic locations destination in East Java, famous for its magnificient sunrise views and the panorama over the caldera with Semeru volcano in the background.
The 16-km-wide Tengger caldera is located at the northern end of a volcanic massif extending from Semeru volcano. The massive Tengger volcanic complex dates back to about 820,000 years ago and consists of five overlapping stratovolcanoes, each truncated by a caldera. Lava domes, pyroclastic cones, and a maar occupy the flanks of the massif. The Ngadisari caldera at the NE end of the complex formed about 150,000 years ago and is now drained through the Sapikerep Valley. The most recent of the Tengger calderas is the 9 x 10 km wide Sandsea Caldera at the SW end of the complex, which formed incrementally during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. An overlapping cluster of post-caldera cones was constructed on the floor of the Sandsea Caldera within the last several thousand years. The youngest of these is Bromo, one of Java's most active and most frequently visited volcanoes.

3rd January, 2013

Many couples who claimed exhausted and tired for sex.
You need a resolution to sexual activity in the new year? We suggest trying a sensual massage. A sensual massage helps create the perfect atmosphere for a night of passion, not just relaxation. Believe me, this can change the boring rituals in your bedroom into an exotic pleasure.

Experts believe that a simple massage helps your relationship more intimate than a luxury car gift, a romantic dinner or a holiday abroad. Sensual massage is also another way to express your feelings without words, to tell your partner how much he means to you.

30th December, 2012

Kuta will be a restricted area for vehicles during the New Year’s Eve celebrations, in anticipation of
possible traffic congestion due to the flood of tourists and locals attending festivities at the famous tourist spot.

The Bali Police have said they will close some roads and reroute traffic, since Kuta is such a favorite area for New Year’s Eve.

Much the same as last year, the roads heading to Kuta beach and Jl. Legian will be closed to vehicles. People planning to go to the area should park their vehicles at Central Park on Jl. Imam Bonjol or on any number of surrounding roads.

25th December, 2012

Ganesha the God of Knowledge

In Hinduism, especially in Balinese Hinduism, the Lord Ganesha is one of the popular gods. Lately, we see the worship to the elephant-headed gods is starting to develop. Ganesha statue is almost installed in many places, not only in temple but also widely in private homes. What does it mean? Balinese Hindu community considers Lord Ganesha as the gods of virtue, so that the virtue is expected to inspire everyone to be on the right track in living their life.
Since many years ago, the findings of Ganesha statues from all over Indonesia were very numerous. Some are equipped with simple jewelry, while others look magnificent. Such findings definitely were tailored to the skills of the artist or the economic conditions of the surrounding communities.Ganesh or Ganesha is the elephant-headed god. Among the Hindus, he is considered demihuman and demigod. The role of Lord Ganesha is so important because he is the son of Lord Shiva.

23rd December, 2012

Towards the end of 2012, we have witnessed many changes in the world of mobile technology. This year was a period of revival smartphone with quad-core processors like the laptop that begins with the birth of HTC One X and Samsung Galaxy S3
The ability of the camera in the phone is also experiencing a tremendous increase in the presence of PureView from Nokia that can embed a size 41 MP sensor in the camera phone.


22nd December, 2012

Sudan - UN peacekeeper helicopter was on a reconnaissance mission in the state of Jonglei, South Sudan, was shot down. The four-man crew from Russia died in this incident.

Quoted by Reuters on Saturday (12/22/2012), the helicopter was shot Friday (21/12). The helicopter was allegedly shot by the army of South Sudan.

UN sources said the helicopter was on a reconnaissance mission in southern Sudan in an area where the South Sudan army, the SPLA, is battling rebels led by David Yau Yau.

21st December, 2012

(courtesy of Ken Pattern)

Time freezes. A man stands before a huge old tree, absorbed by its gigantic size.
The man was Canadian artist Ken Pattern. He had that moment in Bali when he was looking for inspiration one and a half years ago.

The main stars of his ongoing exhibition are three huge acrylic paintings: The Banyan Tree at Bangli, The Banyan Tree at Tembuku and Flamboyant. They attracted the attention of many visitors who were seen gathering around the exquisite works in the main lobby.

23rd September, 2024

On Friday, December 21, some people say that the Mayans predicted apocalypse is coming, and the world will come to an end. Good news, apocalypse does not seem to happen.
NASA space agency issued a press release dated December 22, entitled "Why the World is Ended Yesterday".
Predictions about the end of the Maya arose from a misunderstanding about the ancient Mayan long count calendar, which ended the 400-year cycle called b'ak'tun on December 21, 2012, which was the point of the winter solstice.
The calculation was coincidence is b'ak'tun to-13 in the calendar, which is the benchmark of the Maya considered the full cycle of creation of the universe.