Earn pleasure with Sensual Massage

Posted by Administrator on 3rd January, 2013

Many couples who claimed exhausted and tired for sex.

You need a resolution to sexual activity in the new year? We suggest trying a sensual massage. A sensual massage helps create the perfect atmosphere for a night of passion, not just relaxation. Believe me, this can change the boring rituals in your bedroom into an exotic pleasure.

Experts believe that a simple massage helps your relationship more intimate than a luxury car gift, a romantic dinner or a holiday abroad. Sensual massage is also another way to express your feelings without words, to tell your partner how much he means to you.

Let's prepare. To help you maximize your enjoyment, prepare a lotion or massage oil that is safe to the skin and a small towel. Do not forget the blindfold to hot action. Ready? Not just massage the task alone. Instead, give a sensual massage for the body. In this section, not only the hands are working, also use the chest, lips or tongue. Smile!

Your hand is magic.
While one hand caressing your body, use your other hand to explore other sensitive parts of your partner's body, including the G-spot. Here, blindfold act. Massaging eyes closed will let one senses not work to further increase the enjoyment, because sometimes the eyes will feel awkward partner.

Last changed: 3rd January, 2013 at 6:01 PM

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