Exoticism peek at the Village Tourism Bleberan

Posted by Andy Sakung on 23rd December, 2013

World of tourism in Indonesia is endless to be discussed . One of the largest archipelagic country in the world holds so much potential natural and cultural attractions are not yet known. One of them is a tourist village located in the district Bleberan Playen , Gunung Kidul , Yogyakarta.

The village offers two main attractions are located not so far apart that Sri Gethuk Waterfall Cave Design and Build . With a distance of about 45 kilometers from the city center , a journey that must be taken to reach the destination location spent about 1-1.5 hours . But , the travel time will be longer during the weekends or holiday season . During this time , the area is dominated by Gunung Kidul limestone soil known as the arid and barren . Not a lot of green plants that can be grown in this area .

Approaching Bleberan Village area , to the left of right of way will be found a forest filled with oak and pine . However , different conditions was when I started entering the village Bleberan . Heading ticket fork in the road a marker into the village , where visitors must pay for season tickets , inclusive of admission to two attractions , insurance , and parking .

After passing the post , visitors will pass through a rocky dirt road after passing through a paved road . In addition to maize, visitors will also be treated to a wide expanse of paddy fields and green . Springs emanating from the top of the mountain is the source of life for the community , including as a source of irrigation for rice plants that are rarely found in the area of ​​Gunung Kidul . From the location of vehicle parking , visitors will see the valley drained the Oyo River so clear . Even so , during the rainy season , the water turns brown as it carries sediment from upstream.

Goa Golden Kencana , Gunung Kidul , Yogyakarta .
There are two accesses to get to the falls . First , visitors can browse the Oyo River boat operated by the villagers . While the latter , visitors can hike to the waterfall about 1 kilometer . At this location , the roar of the direct sound dominates the atmosphere . There are three main waterfalls which is about 50 meters . Not only that , visitors can also see a panoramic cliff across the river bounded waterfall .

According to one of the boat operators , Waterfalls of Sri Gethuk name is derived from the word " kethuk " which means the sound of gamelan closely with the legend of the mythical community . " That said , it was once the place to store gamelan and sometimes also appear gamelan sound of that place , " he said .

Mystique more pronounced during a visit to Goa Golden Design . In the middle of the cave there is a giant tree towering exceed the cave roof . Like the cave in general , there are stalactites fan cave stalagmites . This cave consists of three main rooms deeper traced , the smaller size. Before inaugurated a tourist attraction , the children of local residents used to play together in the first room the most.

Cave tour guide , Min Safitri ( 55 ) said last room most commonly used to perform a small ritual by some paranormal activity such as Ki Joko Bodo famous , Ki Kusumo , until the politician and the paranormal , Permadi . " This cave used to be the former site of the Mataram army to hide when guerrilla forces against the Dutch colonialists . , But , based on the literature of Yogyakarta , this cave has existed since 4,000 years ago , " he said .

Besides these two attractions , visitors can also enjoy the culture offered Bleberan village , as apostolic feast ceremony , ceremonial feast nyadranan , and so on . For culinary , on-site parking are fishing area that are ready to be fried before being eaten . In addition , there is also a special food Gunungkidul , such as sego pletik walang sauce and warm cassava leaves .

Oyo rivers
Even so , this tourism asset management has not been explored to the fullest . It is also recognized by the Tourism Village Manager Bleberan , Tri Harjono . He said the tourism potential of the waterfall in the village recently discovered around 2007 and opened as a tourist attraction in 2009 . " In 2009 launching , the boom in 2011 . We are not ready , not ready for the tourism industry , " he said .

Last changed: 23rd December, 2013 at 10:52 AM

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