Update News

21st January, 2014

Rupiah is still weakening of currency exchange world . Beyond that , the weakening of the rupiah can bring goodness to the world of tourism archipelago .

The weakening of the exchange rate turns out to make Indonesia , especially Bali , cheapest tourist destinations for British tourists . Value of sterling compared rupiah strengthened , so that many British tourists expected to visit Bali this year .

According to research by the Post Office UK , tourist holiday costs the UK declined by 70 percent to 44 tourist destinations around the world . Bali is the cheapest destination , while the most expensive is New Zealand .

17th January, 2014

Rain in Bali experienced an anomaly . So statements Care Services Division Head of Meteorology , Geophysics Klimatologidan Region III Denpasar , Nyoman Suarsa , some time ago . He said that the global natural phenomenon leads to the tendency of the rainy season in Bali came early so that the time period will be much longer . This led to several tourist activities in Bali to be disrupted . But for travelers who are ' ready ' , summer vacation plans will not make a mess .

So far , the perception of the tourists - especially domestic tourists - on holiday in Bali is a great time enjoying the atmosphere of Bali in bright weather . The possibility of this is because the country has only two seasons so without consciously making a clear dichotomy in the minds of people . The sky was bright they perceive as an overview volatility , while they perceive as a form of rain gloom . Without realizing it , many people become less like the rain, especially when traveling. Moreover, all the tourist brochures show the atmosphere ablaze Bali . And so the rain , people immediately felt her vacation gets impaired .

16th January, 2014

Ende - Ende Regency hilly store incredible beauty . It was there , at the peak of Mount Kelimutu , Kelimutu National Park area , there Kelimutu Lake or Lake Three Colors . In fact, the lake is the world known as one of the nine wonders of the world . A proud tribute . Early this area first discovered by Van Such Telen , citizens of the Netherlands , 1915. Its beauty is widely known after Y. Bouman describes in his writings in 1929. Since then, foreigners began to come enjoy the lake known anchor for the local community . They come not only lovers of beauty , but also researchers who want to know the nature of the incident is very rare .

Kelimutu area was designated a National Natural Koservasi area since February 26, 1992 .

Mount Kelimutu is a high mountain 1640 meters above sea level, has three crater at the summit called Lake Kelimutu .

Third Kelimutu lake has water colors vary and change every second. The red color becomes dark green then red heart , sometimes a dark chocolate brown and blue . The third area of ​​the lake is approximately 1.051 million square meters with a volume of 1,292 million cubic meters of water . Boundary between the lake is narrow stone walls that slide easily . The wall is very steep with a slope angle of 70 degrees. Lake wall height ranges from 50 to 150 meters .

13th January, 2014

West Manggarai - When we go to the beach , of course we will be spoiled blue sky and white sand . But what if the pink sand beach on Komodo Island like ? Unique for sure ....

Where to get pink beach this ? Abroad? Oh no , you simply pay a visit to the island of Komodo , West Manggarai regency , East Nusa Tenggara . There, in one of the island there is a beach called Pink Beach or Red Beach .

When visited there some time ago , the beach was pink . At first I did not believe , I think , Pink Beach was just a name , not because it's pink beaches .

Turns out my assumption was wrong, when a speed boat that took me pulled over to the beach , a completely new look charm of beautiful pink beaches .


3rd January, 2014

Loh Liang Komodo - Labuan Bajo , uniqueness and rarity of ancient animals and habitat of Komodo no doubt have led the international community and be a magnet for thousands of foreign tourists from at least 67 countries in the world to come to Komodo . Total visitors per year recorded more than 20,000 people who visited one of the world heritage sites .

28th December, 2013

Yogyakarta deserve pride . Throughout 2013, the gudeg City is the only city to win both awards in the field of tourism.

"This is an achievement that will be well guarded . We get two award as The Most Popular Destination Venue in 2013, according to the magazine and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy , as well as the Best Achievement of the magazine Travel Club," said Tazbir Abdullah , Head of the Provincial Tourism Office IN Yogyakarta, the Okezone.

23rd December, 2013

World of tourism in Indonesia is endless to be discussed . One of the largest archipelagic country in the world holds so much potential natural and cultural attractions are not yet known. One of them is a tourist village located in the district Bleberan Playen , Gunung Kidul , Yogyakarta.

The village offers two main attractions are located not so far apart that Sri Gethuk Waterfall Cave Design and Build . With a distance of about 45 kilometers from the city center , a journey that must be taken to reach the destination location spent about 1-1.5 hours . But , the travel time will be longer during the weekends or holiday season . During this time , the area is dominated by Gunung Kidul limestone soil known as the arid and barren . Not a lot of green plants that can be grown in this area .

19th December, 2013

Want to fly but do not have wings? Easy. Provide any money. :)

Only with Rp 1.200.000 , you can enjoy the sensation of flying like an eagle . At altitude , we could float . Enjoy the beauty of the southern tip of Bali . Do paragliding can be extreme in Bali tourism options in addition to those already common practice .

While enjoying the swinging body and the blue sea , majestic hill silent and melodious white coastline , we can also prove yourself as a mighty man , against gravity ! Like the fight destiny . This is better paragliding .

The power to fly the parachute inflates comes from above us . He held that we could fly , leaving the hill toward the open sea and the wind to a height of hundreds of meters .

14th December, 2013

Banyuwangi regency increasingly moncer. Investors continued to arrive to start a business in the Blambangan Earth.

This time the turn area of Mount Ijen Nature Reserve Travel, Banyuwangi, who ogled. Tourist area has blue fire phenomenon in the sulfur crater immediately stood resort to the concept of green building.

Resort development itself, will begin in January 2014. This was revealed when the exposure is done by David Makes, investors from Jakarta in Hall Sabhaswagata Blambangan. David presented the Vision Conceptual Master Plan finished formulation.

13th December, 2013

Lately , public interest in the sport cycling continues to increase . It can be seen from the continued emergence of new cycling sports community.

Cycling is one sport that is exciting and can be done by anyone , regardless of age and gender status . Some research has even shown a number of advantages of this simple activity as a means to promote overall health.