Update News

22nd November, 2012

Rivers that run red. Blinding white landscapes. Cliffs that wave in swirls of orange. No, those aren't works of science fiction. They are wonders of nature that will leave you shaking your head and wondering just how that is possible.

The best part? You won't need a spaceship to get there. We've outlined exactly how you can get there—which in most cases is surprisingly easy.

20th November, 2012

Christ the Redeemer Statue
The 105-foot-tall (38-meter-tall) "Christ the Redeemer" statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was among the "new seven wonders of the world" announced July 7 following a global poll to decide a new list of human-made marvels. The winners were voted for by Internet and phone, American Idol style. The other six new wonders are the Colosseum in Rome, India's Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, Jordan's ancient city of Petra, the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, and the ancient Maya city of Chichén Itzá in Mexico.

19th November, 2012

Ahead of the Champions League - Fergie Maybe Play Rooney in Turkey

Manchester - Wayne Rooney has a chance to return for Manchester United's game against Galatasaray in the Champions League after Sir Alex Ferguson opens the possibility of him to Turkey.
Rooney suffered an injury when Manchester United beat Aston Villa in the Premier League on 11 November. When he played for 79 minutes and replaced by Anderson.

18th November, 2012

Growing up in Boulder, you can’t help but be outdoors. When I was a teenager, I was a competitive cyclist eventually racing with the US National Cycling Team. It’s been about 15 years since I did my last race. Although I’ve kept in shape with yoga, hiking and some trail running, I haven’t really gotten back on my bike since.

Being in a town where you can actually go out riding on the roads, having a bike that is ready in good repair, and having buddies to ride with are three very important ingredients to making cycling fun.

26th October, 2012

A decade after twin bombs killed scores of tourists partying at two nightclubs on Indonesia’s resort island of Bali, survivors and victims’ families on Friday braved a fresh terrorism threat to remember those lost to the tragedy.

Security was tight with more than 2,000 police and military, including snipers, deployed to guard the memorial services after reports involving the ‘‘certain movement’’ of terrorists were announced two days earlier, raising the security alert to its highest level.

18th June, 2012

The Bali Arts Festival is a full month of daily performances, handicraft exhibitions and other related cultural and commercial activities during which literally the whole of Bali comes to the city to present its offerings of dance, music and beauty. On display are trances from remote mountain slopes, forgotten or recently revived village dances, food and offering contests, classical palace dances, stars of Balinese stage, odd musical performances, "kreasi baru" (new creations) from the dance schools of Denpasar, as well as contemporary choreography and dance companies from other islands and from abroad.

14th April, 2012

The Ogoh-Ogoh doll is a "lucky" design, a "lucky charm" and original art in the tradition of "art toys" that are the rage now among the young, so young and design enthusiasts.

The Ogoh-Ogoh are performed in a 100% scale, each little monster is unique and reveals the talent of its creator who shapes from scraps of fabric in cotton.

14th April, 2012

Bali Cultural Bantara located in Ketewel Village, Gianyar Regency, will hold a rain festival featuring a number of traditional Balinese arts activities and exhibitions of paintings.

"Activities that took place a week it will be opened on Sunday, February 21, 2010," the committee said Putu Virata Dwikota activity in Denpasar, on Saturday.

He said the opening of the festival will be celebrated by staging "gebug ende", one of Balinese art from the village of Seraya, Karangasem regency, eastern tip of the island of Bali.

14th April, 2012

Nyepi Day, one day Hindu festival which is celebrated in every turn of the year Caka, a calendar version of the Hindus in Bali , always carried out each year by stopping all activities for one full day.

Not many are aware that this activity was to provide a significant contribution in reducing CO2 emissions which is quite tortured earth and all life therein.