Solution For Global Warning

Posted by Kama Yasa on 11th February, 2013

Global warning, you may have heard dire warnings this many times. Carbon dioxide (CO2) from human due to the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas accumulating in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a gas that causes the greenhouse effect due to heat trapped and cannot get out of the Earth's atmosphere so that the temperature of the earth heats up. Al Gore warned that global warming is caused by carbon dioxide emissions, could increase sea levels by 20 feet and can cause a deadly storm.

Some scientists do not support this theory and other predictions are eerily like Al Gore and his allies repeatedly says as "scientific consensus." Global warming is real and carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to it, but this is not a crisis. Global warming in the 21st century tend to be simple, it can even be beneficial in some places. Even in the worst case, the human race will be much better in 2100 than it is today.

Be Vegetarian
Producing meat-laden CO2 and methane, and requires a lot of water. Farm animals such as cows or goats are the largest producers of methane as they digest food mereka.1 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said meat production accounts for 18% of global warming, the whole is greater than the contribution of transportation in the world (13.5%). Furthermore, the FAO report, "Livestock's Long Shadow", 2006 explained that livestock accounts for 65% of world gas nitrous oxide (310 times more potent than CO2) and 37% of world methane (72 times more potent than CO2) .2 In addition, , United Nations Environment Programmed (UNEP), the guide book "Kick The Habit", 2008, mentions that the meat diet for each person per year accounts for 6700 kg of CO2, while a vegan diet per person only accounted for 190 kg of CO2! 3 Not surprisingly, UN's leading climate expert, who is Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, encourage people to eat less meat.

Planting Trees
One rather large-sized trees can absorb 6 kg CO2 per tahunnya.1 Throughout his lifetime, one tree can absorb one ton CO2.7 United Nations Environment Programmed (UNEP) reported that deforestation accounts for 20% of greenhouse gas kaca.3 As we know, trees absorb carbon in the atmosphere. When they are felled or burned, the carbon they have absorbed most of it will be released back into the atmosphere. So, think a thousand times before cutting down trees around you. Deforestation is also associated with the farm. Did you know one area of ​​rainforest the size of a football field every minute felled for cattle grazing? When you turn into a vegetarian, you can save one acre of trees per year.

Getting Eco-Friendly
Try to walk, use teleconferencing for meetings, or go together in one car. When possible, use vehicles that use alternative fuels. Each 1 liter of fossil fuel is burned in a car engine contributes 2.5 kg CO2.1 When is near and not rush time; you can choose the train instead of the plane. According to the IPCC, the flight with the aircraft accounted for 3-5% of greenhouse gases.

Reduce Spending
Industry accounts for 20% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and mostly from fossil fuel use. Type of industry that requires a lot of fossil fuels for example iron, steel, chemicals, fertilizers, cement, glass, ceramics, and kertas.3 Therefore, do not be quick to put items, and then buy a new one. Each production of goods accounted for CO2.

Buy Organic Food
Organic soils capture and store more CO2 than conventional farming. The Soil Association added that organic production can reduce 26% of CO2 contributed by agriculture.

Use Energy Saving Lights
when you change one light in your home with energy-saving lamps, you can save 400 kg of CO2 and energy saving lamps 10 times more durable than regular incandescent bulbs.

Use Fan
Use power AC 1000 Watt contributed 650 grams of CO2 per hour. Because of that, maybe you could try using a fan.

Drying Your Clothes under the Sun
When you use a dryer, you spend 3 kg of CO2. Drying clothes naturally is much better: your clothes more durable and energy use does not cause air pollution.

Organic Waste Recycling
Waste Disposal (TPA) accounted for 3% of greenhouse gas emissions through the methane is released as waste decomposition. By making compost from organic waste (such as food scraps, paper, and leaves) to your garden, you can help reduce this problem!

Separate Waste Paper, Plastic, and Cans Recycled in order to
recycle aluminum can saves 90% of the energy needed to produce new aluminum cans: 9 kg CO2 per kilogram of aluminum! For 1 kg of recycled plastic, you save 1.5 kg of CO2, for 1 kg of paper that is recycled, you save 900 kg of CO2.


Last changed: 11th February, 2013 at 12:41 PM

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