Indonesia Shown in Novosibirsk SITT
Posted by Kama Yasa on 21st April, 2013
Indonesia following tourism fairs Toursib / Siberia International Travel and Tourism (SITT) in Novosibirsk, Russian Federation 11 to 13 April 2013 to increase tourist arrivals to the country Russia. "During the exhibition, among other Nusantara Pavilion presents dances that the main attraction for visitors," said First Secretary Economic Embassy in Moscow, London Baskara Pradipta told Reuters on Sunday (14/04/2013).
SITT exhibition Novosibirsk is the largest tourism promotion event in the region of East Siberia and Russia are followed by about 200 participants and private tourism promotion agency of Russia, as well as the tourism industry stakeholders of tourism sector in Russia and abroad.
Indonesia pavilion provides a variety of print and visual information as well as business tourism (tour operator) and also featuring national Balinese Legong dance, dance Yapong Betawi, Sundanese dance and Flag Semirang Bajidor Bali. Balinese Legong dance becomes the opening dance at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
Ambassador to Russia, Djauhari Oratmangun said Indonesia's participation for the first time in 2013 is expected to be a means of opening for national tourism for more passionate in introducing national tourist destinations for Russians in Novosibirsk, Siberia and Eastern Russia.
Djauhari stressed there are many other tourist destinations in Indonesia besides Bali with the characteristics and beauty of each.
He said the rising number of Russian tourists to Indonesia in 2012 reached 95,000 people, and with expectations of achievement for 110,000 people in 2013, then through the participation of Indonesia in Novosibirsk exhibition will further enhance tourism and cultural cooperation between the two countries.
Meanwhile, Deputy Governor of Novosibirsk, officially opened the exhibition Ksenzov SITT tourism as well as the opportunity to visit the Indonesia pavilion.Novosibirsk city as the third largest city in the Russian Federation after Moscow and St. Petersburg continues to evolve into a business and tourist town, where the level of social welfare Novosibirsk and the surrounding area continues to grow and more and show an increase in the number of tourists who will travel abroad.
Special visit to Indonesia, the current Russian tourists coming from Novosibirsk, Siberia and Eastern Russia, Bali and Lombok is considered one of the most favorite tourist destination.
Novosibirsk also regularly provide charter flights to Bali, where the demand for it is increasing. "Russian tourists through Tolmachenko Airport Novosibirsk, especially to Denpasar showed a significant increase where in 2012 amounted to more than eight thousand people,
Last changed: 21st April, 2013 at 10:50 AM
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